Den norske forening for styremedlemmer -

The Norwegian Board Member Association (Styreforeningen) was established by Karl Ibsen back in 1997 and has trained over 66,000 managers and board members, and provides support and assistance to thousands of board members, managers and owners every year. CompCon has developed a number of course concepts and service processes that have been licensed to based on turnover-based models.

Styresenteret AS

Styresenteret AS is a competence network which provides consultative services within the board and management area, Styresenteret AS is also an administrative unit for board consultants and board-related concepts. CompCon is the main shareholder in Styresenteret AS and which in turn has invested in around 10 other companies operating in the same marked. CompCon has developed a number of course concepts and service processes that have been licensed to Styresenteret AS based on turnover-based models.

Foreningsdrift DA

The company Foreningsdrift DA was founded by Karl Ibsen, Tor Hoelsengen and Leo Magnussen in the year 2000. Foreningsdrift DA has managed associations for almost 25 years by providing associations with administrative functions, sales and marketing. CompCon AS, through one of its holding companies, is today one of the main owners of the company.

Nemus AS & Helsegruppen Nemus

Helsegruppen Nemus is Norway's second largest chain of interdisciplinary health clinics with physiotherapist and chiropractor services as the most important areas, spread across over 40 clinics spread across the country. CompCon is a shareholder, facilitated conversion to the current chain system and delivers business development in addition to being a shareholder in the parent company Nemus AS.

Due Diligence Gruppen DA & Due Diligence Company Ltd (Cyprus)

Due Diligence Company DA has for 30 years worked with: buying and selling businesses, due diligence processes, company valuations, investor searches, capitalization and other M&A related work areas. Due Diligence Company Ltd (Kypros) is a sister company that primarily works with similar assistance to European companies and constellations, including for other international players who are to establish themselves in a European market.

Styrerekruttering AS

Recruitment of board members was the starting point for the database tool and portal of The company works closely with, but also under its own auspices in the market. Professional recruitment processes, searches for candidates and marketing of hundreds of highly skilled candidates to companies in Norway are the main areas of the company.

Adsome AS

Adsome AS is a marketing agency that can assist with all aspects of marketing and communication. We deliver all traditional marketing materials, incl. car profiling, facade profiling, corporate clothing with print etc. However, the main areas are social media (linkedin, facebook, instagram, google etc) and web-based development with expertise in all aspects of digital marketing communication, including professional deliveries in film and photography.

Kjedeutvikling AS

Kjedeutvikling AS is a company with specialist expertise in the development of business chains, business concepts, group mergers, franchise concepts and business partner and joint venture constellations. Our employees have accumulated enormous experience with the establishment, development and build-up of chains nationally and internationally. Collectively, we possess expertise from the establishment and development of over 50 well-known brand stores and chains.

Key Figures Management & Analysis AS

Valuations of companies are Key Figures Management & Analysis AS's core business. To assist companies and individuals in valuation processes, we have developed a web-based portal with a combination of an Excel-based basic platform and a web-developed solution that helps you through the processes and provides tips, advice and explanations for processes, key figures and specialist terminology.

Solli Arkitekter AS

Solli Arkitekter AS is a well-known and reputable architect company with headquarters in Drammen in Norway. The company is a continuation of previous architectural activities, while the company Solli Arkitekter AS itself was established a full 25 years ago. The company is owned by architects with CompCon as a minor shareholder who contributes with board and business development.

House of Abilities AS

House og Abilities AS (HoA) is an executive search and recruitment company that also works with management development at senior management level. The business also operates within the management for hire market, as well as with various tests and analyzes of competence, abilities and qualities of key employees and senior staff.

The Board Association (Denmark)

CompCon has developed a number of membership konsepter, course concepts and service processes that have been licensed to the danish board member assosiation, established on turnover-based models. Experiences, concepts, courses and processes from 25 years with in Norway are the basis for the investment in Denmark - adapted to a Danish market. In Denmark, we collaborate with, among other things, lawyers and the auditors at Advision.

The Board Group A/S (Denmark)

The Board Group A/S is a Danish holding and concept ownership company with a long-term horizon for ownership in board and management-related businesses and concepts, tools and products. CompCon is one of the leading players through its significant ownership in the main shareholder BoardProf AS. The Board Group A/S is also one of the content providers in The Board Association.

Make My Strategy Norway AS

Make my strategy ( is a Danish web-based program / system (SAS product) that provides frameworks, advice, tips and process management within strategic processes. The Danish owners and founders invited Styresenteret AS as a shareholder in the Norwegian venture with joint ownership in Norwegian: Make My Strategy Norway AS, of which CompCon is an indirect co-owner.

BoardLog AS

BoardLog AS is a digital portal for conducting board meetings and board proceedings from A to Z. The system is web-based with a high focus on security and with digital signing of all relevant board documents, storage of board papers, reports and processing documents. Streamlines the formal parts of the board's work and increases flexibility for the board.

Board Ability AS

Board Ability AS is the company that develops, operates and administers the web-based system for board scores of candidates and established board members. CompCon is involved through its ownership in Styresenteret AS, which is a co-owner and contributor to Board Ability. From the outset, the system and its developers have been concerned with its contribution to research and ideal knowledge dissemination as a consequence of Board Ability's functionality, including the data picture it provides of general board competence etc. among Norwegian board members.

Styremedlemmer i Norge – Linkedin Gruppe med 15.000 følgere

"Styremedlemmer i Norge" (Board members in Norway) is Norway's largest meeting place for board members in Norway on LinkedIn, with approximately 15,000 followers. The concept is not its own company, but is operated by Styresenteret AS, which also owns the concept. The Linkedin community "Styremedlemmer i Norge" creates dialogue, exchange of views and fronts thoughts, new rules, legal practice and research within the board area.

Companies & Concepts

Directly, or indirectly via other companies' equity investments, we are involved as co-owners in a fairly wide range of companies. In some cases as the main shareholder and in others as one of several investors. Primarily, we invest in companies where we have opportunities to influence, where we are content providers or where we license out proprietary business concepts. We also invest for periods in various listed limited companies.Business concepts (courses, service concepts, consultative processes and products) are other important areas of development and investment for CompCon.We present some of the businesses in which we have ownership involvement below:

Den norske forening for styremedlemmer -

The Norwegian Board Member Association (Styreforeningen) was established by Karl Ibsen back in 1997 and has trained over 66,000 managers and board members, and provides support and assistance to thousands of board members, managers and owners every year. CompCon has developed a number of course concepts and service processes that have been licensed to based on turnover-based models.

Styresenteret AS

Styresenteret AS is a competence network which provides consultative services within the board and management area, Styresenteret AS is also an administrative unit for board consultants and board-related concepts. CompCon is the main shareholder in Styresenteret AS and which in turn has invested in around 10 other companies operating in the same marked. CompCon has developed a number of course concepts and service processes that have been licensed to Styresenteret AS based on turnover-based models.

Foreningsdrift DA

The company Foreningsdrift DA was founded by Karl Ibsen, Tor Hoelsengen and Leo Magnussen in the year 2000. Foreningsdrift DA has managed associations for almost 25 years by providing associations with administrative functions, sales and marketing. CompCon AS, through one of its holding companies, is today one of the main owners of the company.

Nemus AS & Helsegruppen Nemus

Helsegruppen Nemus is Norway's second largest chain of interdisciplinary health clinics with physiotherapist and chiropractor services as the most important areas, spread across over 40 clinics spread across the country. CompCon is a shareholder, facilitated conversion to the current chain system and delivers business development in addition to being a shareholder in the parent company Nemus AS.

Due Diligence Gruppen DA & Due Diligence Company Ltd (Cyprus)

Due Diligence Company DA has for 30 years worked with: buying and selling businesses, due diligence processes, company valuations, investor searches, capitalization and other M&A related work areas. Due Diligence Company Ltd (Kypros) is a sister company that primarily works with similar assistance to European companies and constellations, including for other international players who are to establish themselves in a European market.

Styrerekruttering AS

Recruitment of board members was the starting point for the database tool and portal of The company works closely with, but also under its own auspices in the market. Professional recruitment processes, searches for candidates and marketing of hundreds of highly skilled candidates to companies in Norway are the main areas of the company.

Adsome AS

Adsome AS is a marketing agency that can assist with all aspects of marketing and communication. We deliver all traditional marketing materials, incl. car profiling, facade profiling, corporate clothing with print etc. However, the main areas are social media (linkedin, facebook, instagram, google etc) and web-based development with expertise in all aspects of digital marketing communication, including professional deliveries in film and photography.

Kjedeutvikling AS

Kjedeutvikling AS is a company with specialist expertise in the development of business chains, business concepts, group mergers, franchise concepts and business partner and joint venture constellations. Our employees have accumulated enormous experience with the establishment, development and build-up of chains nationally and internationally. Collectively, we possess expertise from the establishment and development of over 50 well-known brand stores and chains.

Key Figures Management & Analysis AS

Valuations of companies are Key Figures Management & Analysis AS's core business. To assist companies and individuals in valuation processes, we have developed a web-based portal with a combination of an Excel-based basic platform and a web-developed solution that helps you through the processes and provides tips, advice and explanations for processes, key figures and specialist terminology.

Solli Arkitekter AS

Solli Arkitekter AS is a well-known and reputable architect company with headquarters in Drammen in Norway. The company is a continuation of previous architectural activities, while the company Solli Arkitekter AS itself was established a full 25 years ago. The company is owned by architects with CompCon as a minor shareholder who contributes with board and business development.

House of Abilities AS

House og Abilities AS (HoA) is an executive search and recruitment company that also works with management development at senior management level. The business also operates within the management for hire market, as well as with various tests and analyzes of competence, abilities and qualities of key employees and senior staff.

The Board Association (Denmark)

CompCon has developed a number of membership konsepter, course concepts and service processes that have been licensed to the danish board member assosiation, established on turnover-based models. Experiences, concepts, courses and processes from 25 years with in Norway are the basis for the investment in Denmark - adapted to a Danish market. In Denmark, we collaborate with, among other things, lawyers and the auditors at Advision.

The Board Group A/S (Denmark)

The Board Group A/S is a Danish holding and concept ownership company with a long-term horizon for ownership in board and management-related businesses and concepts, tools and products. CompCon is one of the leading players through its significant ownership in the main shareholder BoardProf AS. The Board Group A/S is also one of the content providers in The Board Association.

Make My Strategy Norway AS

Make my strategy ( is a Danish web-based program / system (SAS product) that provides frameworks, advice, tips and process management within strategic processes. The Danish owners and founders invited Styresenteret AS as a shareholder in the Norwegian venture with joint ownership in Norwegian: Make My Strategy Norway AS, of which CompCon is an indirect co-owner.

BoardLog AS

BoardLog AS is a digital portal for conducting board meetings and board proceedings from A to Z. The system is web-based with a high focus on security and with digital signing of all relevant board documents, storage of board papers, reports and processing documents. Streamlines the formal parts of the board's work and increases flexibility for the board.

Board Ability AS

Board Ability AS is the company that develops, operates and administers the web-based system for board scores of candidates and established board members. CompCon is involved through its ownership in Styresenteret AS, which is a co-owner and contributor to Board Ability. From the outset, the system and its developers have been concerned with its contribution to research and ideal knowledge dissemination as a consequence of Board Ability's functionality, including the data picture it provides of general board competence etc. among Norwegian board members.

Styremedlemmer i Norge – Linkedin Gruppe med 15.000 følgere

"Styremedlemmer i Norge" (Board members in Norway) is Norway's largest meeting place for board members in Norway on LinkedIn, with approximately 15,000 followers. The concept is not its own company, but is operated by Styresenteret AS, which also owns the concept. The Linkedin community "Styremedlemmer i Norge" creates dialogue, exchange of views and fronts thoughts, new rules, legal practice and research within the board area.

Get in touch if you have
tensioned objects for sale

Contact us if you have business ideas, concepts or valuables that you think may be of interest to us.


Aker Brygge Business Village, Grundingen 6, 0250 Oslo


411 00 500


Get In Touch If You Have
Tensioned Objects For Sale

Contact us if you have business ideas, concepts or valuables that you think may be of interest to us.


Aker Brygge Business Village, Grundingen 6, 0250 Oslo


411 00 500


We invest, collect, educate,

consult & administer

Grundingen 6, Aker Brygge Business Village, 0250 Oslo

© 2024 CompCon Company Consulting

All Rights Reserved

We invest, collect, educate,

consult & administer

Grundingen 6, Aker Brygge Business Village, 0250 Oslo

© 2024 CompCon Company Consulting

All Rights Reserved

We are partly passionate collectors from well-known and exciting artists, including some newer artists in whom we have great faith. In visual art, we consciously collect works by: Pushwagner, Salvador Dali, Marc Chagall, Nerdrum, Fritzwold, Weiderman, Tina Hartz, Ronn Bank, Fru Bugge to name a few. Sculptures and statues in bronze and porcelain have become a new gathering area for us.

We have one of Norway's largest collections of old share certificates, checks and securities with approximately 15,000 items. We are also keen collectors of coins (Roman Imperial, Alexander the Great, Norwegian), banknotes and iconic watch brands (Patex Philippe, Rolex, Omega etc). We collect things we like and where we believe in a future increase in value.

Companies & Concepts

We are partly passionate collectors from well-known and exciting artists, including some newer artists in whom we have great faith. In visual art, we consciously collect works by: Pushwagner, Salvador Dali, Marc Chagall, Nerdrum, Fritzwold, Weiderman, Tina Hartz, Ronn Bank, Fru Bugge to name a few. Sculptures and statues in bronze and porcelain have become a new gathering area for us.

We have one of Norway's largest collections of old share certificates, checks and securities with approximately 15,000 items. We are also keen collectors of coins (Roman Imperial, Alexander the Great, Norwegian), banknotes and iconic watch brands (Patex Philippe, Rolex, Omega etc). We collect things we like and where we believe in a future increase in value.

Companies & Concepts